Fox Hill art teacher Steve Scarpulla has taken full advantage of the free iPad app Artsonia and has created a digital art gallery to display and share the artwork of Fox Hill students.
Artsonia allows teachers to create a public gallery that can be shared not only with parents and school community members, but with an entire global audience. So far this year, Mr. Scarpulla’s students have uploaded 10 art projects and 642 individual pieces of artwork to his gallery including:
Bat Splat
Bee Line
Metal Butterfly
Leaf Echo
Mosquito Personalities
Self Portrait
Space Ships
Mr. Scarpulla has instant access to his student’s art projects from his Chromebook once they are uploaded via the iPad app. If necessary, he can make edits and re-upload projects. Each student is assigned a unique user name in the Artsonia gallery, which makes it ideal for elementary students as it maintains privacy and keeps them safe online. Parents who choose to register with Artsonia have full access (from any device) and control over their child’s artwork. They receive a notification once artwork has been uploaded and they can approve any and all comments. Students can also comment on each other’s work, which is an excellent way to integrate a practical and real-world lesson on digital citizenship and digital communication in particular. I recently visited Mr. Scarpulla’s classroom to observe students working on projects, uploading their art, and how Mr. Scarpulla accesses the art from his Chromebook. The video below highlights Mr. Scarpulla’s classroom activities and how you can create a digital art gallery using the iPad app Artsonia.